Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Moment of Weakness

Okay, maybe it was two, or five, or... Oh, what the heck, it was the WHOLE DAY!

As I've mentioned before, I am on a diet. Not a drastic one mind you. Just watching my calories a little. Well, today, I watched the calories all right. I just watched them keep adding up and up. Higher and higher. Fatter and... You get the picture.

The day started out just fine. For breakfast I stopped by McDonalds and got an Egg McMuffin. Not the picture of health, but not too bad. Then my troubles started. One of my co-workers brought in his dad's "World famous" carrot cake. I had to have a piece. Then it was lunch. Chinese food. Fast food Chinese. And it was Lo Mein (noodles) -- a lot of noodles. And to make matters worse, I decided I needed some rice with that. White rice. Not brown, white. At least I left some of my lunch in the bowl (a small consolation). Good thing I left that because I came home and promptly had some snacks. Then for dinner, I took the kids out since Alisonwonderland was having a book club over at the house. The kids' restaurant of choice? McDonalds. (Hey, that sounds familiar...) My choice for a meal? I don't want to talk about it. Then I came home and ate a giant sugar cookie left over from book club.

Well, that feels better to get that all off my chest. Now I just have to hope it doesn't end up on my belly.

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