Thursday, August 10, 2006

When we have another drought. . .

I just had a brainstorm.

I looked at the weather forecast. Not a cloud to be seen for the next eight days. I looked out the window. Not a cloud to be seen anywhere in the sky.

So, I wash the car. Then what happens? Of course, you know.

I took my wife out to lunch and on the way back, it's getting windy and there are all these dark clouds around. A storm cell is moving through the valley! When just a few hours before it was nothing but blue, it was now gray! Just my luck, I think. Then back at the office I tell one of my wife's co-workers it was clear when I washed my car, and now it's going to rain, and she says the same thing happens to her! A-ha!

Since the same thing happens to everyone (go ahead, just ask anyone what happens when they wash their car. I'll wait.), why not put it to good use?

Next time there is a drought, forget cloud seeding, forget praying for rain. Let's just set up a day when everyone washes their car at the same time! (using water conservative techniques, of course) That will open up the heavens for sure!

I'm so brilliant it's scary.

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