Friday, January 21, 2011

Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 for Windows for free!

Now that I've posted about how I'm not generally going to do this, here's a post I'm copying over from my tech blog 'cuz I think it's of general interest, especially to students...

Here's a freebie I found on Dealnews.  Download Microsoft's Mathematics 4.0 for Windows free!

If you don't know about this program (I didn't!), this is what Microsoft says about it: "Microsoft Mathematics provides a graphing calculator that plots in 2D and 3D, step-by-step equation solving, and useful tools to help students with math and science studies."

Sounds like a handy thing to have especially since I'm taking Stats (well, maybe it could help) and I'm planning to take an upper-division math class later this year.

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