Sunday, July 30, 2006

Oh, the lingering pain . . .

I had a speaking assignment in sacrament meeting at church today. I had a really hard time preparing this talk because of the subject, so I was kind of apprehensive about presenting it, but felt I was somewhat ready.

It was with some relief that I received a note from the bishopric letting me know that due to the length of the other talks, I was to save my talk for another day! What joy! What a relief! I was quite pleased that I didn't need to give that talk.

Imagine how I felt then when my friend returned from giving his talk and whispered to me that he was glad he got his over with, but that now MY PAIN LINGERS for at least a few more weeks! So much for my joy . . .

On the other hand, a number of people did come up to me after sacrament meeting and told me I did a great job on my talk. Just what's needed: A church full of comedians.

1 comment:

Natalie Gordon said...

I heard a story this week from someone who was in the congregation last Sunday where it happened - a Sacrament Meeting program had a departing missionary and a wife and husband, with a rest hymn in between. The missionary took his 7 minutes, the wife went long, and after the rest hymn, there was less than 10 minutes left. The husband got up, slammed his scriptures on the pulpit, said loudly, "Bishop, I will not be able to give my talk today - you will all have to wait until there is enough time left to hear what I have to say." He sat down. Everyone thought it was an object lesson. It wasn't - the bishop got up after a minute or so, bore his testimony and everyone got out a little early. I'm hoping the bishop signed tht guy up for counseling at the LDS Family Services. Because, HELLO, Mr Furious-Guy-Who-Has-Anger-Control-Issues.