Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some bricks, some bricks, my kingdom for some bricks!

Remember when you used to keep little kids around just so you had an excuse to buy LEGOs and build with them? Okay, okay, maybe you had/have little kids around for other reasons, but a good one was so you could buy LEGO sets and not seem silly. Well, now you don't need kids to be able to play with whatever LEGOs you want! Just go to http://ldd.lego.com and download their LEGO Digital Designer program. With the program, you can build either from LEGO's own sets, or you can build from scratch and let your imagination run wild! In fact, there's even an option to let you upload your creation to LEGO. I can guarantee you'll waste countless spend a few well deserved hours off building some nifty models.

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