Saturday, January 20, 2007

The end of an era?

The other day I uninstalled my Visual Studio 2003 environment. So, you say? And just what the heck is VS2003?

Well, for the past twenty-some-odd years, I've been a software developer by trade (I graduated college when I was six and started working right after that, by the way). VS2003 is a development environment. It allows us programmers to write the applications you use every day on your computer.

Even when I became the "manager" of a software development team, I programmed. I thought I would always write code.

Then last year, I became the senior manager of our little group of software products (developed and supported by about 25 people). Since then, I've been so busy managing people, technology, and the office, I haven't been able to help out with any of the coding! Since the development environment takes up a number of gigs of hard drive space, and since I haven't used it in over 4 months, I decided to uninstall it.

It was a sad, sad day. Maybe I'll whip out an editor and write some C++ code at home just for old time's sake. Maybe.

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