Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm pretty sure this is how "I Am Legend" began...

Didn't a genetically engineered cure for cancer start all the mayhem in the Will Smith movie, I Am Legend?...  Actually, it appears to be a virus and not a T cell in the movie, but read on...

Seriously though, this is pretty cool stuff.  The DeseretNews reports on a genetically engineered T cell that attacks cancer cells in advanced cases of a common type of leukemia.  Apparently, the "researchers said they added instructions to a virus for creating a molecule that binds to leukemia cells and tells the T cells to destroy them."  Please read the article for more.  Obviously this is a very simplistic explanation and a more technical explanation can be found here.

I'm sure all of us have been affected in one way or another by cancer.  Any steps toward a cure is a good step.

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