Saturday, January 05, 2008

Questions of the day

Since alisonwonderland likes to throw puzzling questions at you occasionally, I thought I'd do the same.  See if you can answer these... without cheating. :)

1. You measure me but I have no length, width, or thickness.
2. You answer me, although I never ask you questions.
3. You ask me all day long and the answer is always different -- but always correct.


emily said...

1. ?? maybe water?
2. telephone?
3. what time is it?

I really want to know the correct answers! Tell. Please?!

alisonwonderland said...

here are my guesses:

1. distance - although that would seem to have length, so i don't know

2. the telephone

3. the time

alisonwonderland said...

hmm. blog author, why haven't you approved my comment yet?

Nancy said...

OK, I'll bite. How about - - Time, Telephone, Calculator.

WhiteRabbit said...

Sorry to all who I've held up. Hopefully you actually make it back to see the answers.

I'm actually kinda surprised anyone even bothered answering them since I'm so bad at updating this blog. But to those who did, thank you. You were all on the right track and spot on about the Telephone. Here are the questions (again) and the answers...

1. You measure me but I have no length, width, or thickness. The Temperature

2. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. The Telephone

3. You ask me all day long and the answer is always different -- but always correct. The Time

alisonwonderland said...

hey, there really is a blog author out there somewhere! :)

thanks for the answers. temperature seems obvious once you say it, but i sure didn't think of it ...

WhiteRabbit said...

Ummm... no comment.